Things I hate
Without a doubt, this is a topic that is discussed a lot in the day to day in the university, since one arrives at classes until the end of the day there are things that transform your day into the worst (so far, because obviously it can always be worse jajjaj). It's a long list of things that I hate or dislike about university first of all I think that I enter at 8:15 every day and cannot miss classes because they are compulsory or because the subject works, because if I miss I am late in the practical activities or if I miss a certain number of classes I fail the course is quite exhausting (really very exhausting). This last point also causes the university to become hostile, since it does not worry at all about the mental health of its students, where friends must sacrifice hours of sleep to be able to perform on evaluations or resort to legal drugs (such as mentix and similar), in addition to making more prone to their students develop some degree of depression, anxiet...