future job
In the future one of my favorite or ideal job is related with one of mi best hobbies, what is it the photography, but no any kind of photo, be a photographer professional as those who work in Natgeo or similar I find that work too interesting and entertaining be all day connected with nature, away from the noise of the big city, change the sound of the car horns by the song of the birds hoping to capture and document a natural phenomenon or the appearance of a certain animal that you were waiting for a long time is something that really catches my attention and that I would really like to do at some point in my life (although sound almost impossible jajaj). Within the millions of good things that this "work" has is the amount of travel and new places that can be known, places that you don't even know exist with a lot of unknowing flora and fauna by a person who is immersed in this concrete jungle With respect a salary it's something that I really do not c...